The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) includes Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical compound used in the manufacture of plastics for packaging, on its list of “substances of very high concern” for health. Among its effects on people, the European agency warns of possible alterations in mammary gland development, cognitive function and metabolism.
PET, which is a material that does not contain Bisphenol A, is recommended as an alternative. Bisphenol A had already been in the spotlight due to various studies that indicated noxious effects on the reproductive system. Now, the alarm has been raised unanimously at the latest committee meeting of member states of ECHA, held in Helsinki, through a motion by France.
This is not the first time that there have been warnings about the use of Bisphenol A (BPA). Canada, the USA and many companies worldwide have already stopped using it in mass-market products. Bisphenol A appears in the production of polycarbonate products and is used in the packaging of some types of cans for food and drink, and, since it was first marketed in 1957, has even been used in products for children.
ECHA’s decision will come into force at the end of June 2017 and will force many manufacturers to remove Bisphenol A from their packaging and production processes. PET, a material that is widely used in food packaging, appears to be the best alternative and is backed by the Spanish Association of Bottled Water Companies (ANEABE).
At SIDE, as experts in PET preform blowing machines, we can help you to adapt this material to suit your production chain. Please do not hesitate to contact our consultants and ask any question you may have. We will be delighted to help.
Interesting links: ECHA