Ethical Channel

Ethical Channel: Promoting Transparency and Integrity

Welcome to the SIDE Ethics Channel. We believe in the importance of transparency and integrity, fundamental values that guide our daily actions and decisions. With the aim of promoting an environment of trust and openness, we have implemented this channel so that you can share your concerns, questions or comments anonymously and securely.

What is the Ethical Channel?

The Ethics Channel is an independent, externally managed platform designed to allow anyone, whether an employee, customer, supplier or any other interested party, to confidentially share any concerns related to the ethical conduct of our company.

How does it work?

1: Guaranteed Anonymity: All reports are completely anonymous. The platform ensures that the identity of the sender will not be revealed at any time.

2: External Access: The channel is managed by an independent third party. This means that SIDE does not have direct access to the information provided, ensuring the confidentiality of the process.

3: Fair and Transparent Process: Each report will be treated fairly and objectively. Our commitment is to address each concern ethically and in line with our values.

How to Use the Ethical Channel:

Please fill out the form provided below with as much detail as possible.
Submit your report securely and anonymously.
The third party channel manager will review each report and take appropriate action as necessary.

Your Contribution is Important:

We value your contribution to making SIDE a more ethical and transparent place. Each report provides us with the opportunity to learn, improve and maintain the highest ethical standards in all our operations.